Top 4 Ridesharing Apps for Samsung Users
Ridesharing is quite an eco-friendly way of commuting. Emissions are reduced if you share your car with other people and also helps to prevent traffic jams. If you are invested in ridesharing you might be figuring out how to find good rides and how to convert your usual commute into a carpool. Here are Top 4 Ridesharing Apps.
Even if you may have heard of Uber and Lyft, you might’ve not heard about apps like Wingz, Curb, or get. There are different options that these apps provide for requesting rides, hailing taxis, or finding a carpool near your location.
On-demand rides
1. Uber

This is the most popular ridesharing service around the world in San Francisco. It had made over 1.7 billion trips with over 100 million riders as of November 2019. The app works around the world, hence, you can count on it to get you home even if you are out in a foreign country. This is one of the Top 4 Ridesharing Apps.
The pricing is fair with offerings and there should be no trouble getting a standard fare ride on most days with the number of drivers on the platform. Uber also offers a discount carpooling option in most cities known as the uberPOOL if you do not mind riding with strangers to make the expense a little more considerable. You can also use the app to split the fare amongst the passengers if you are riding with a larger group which can be quite a luxury for nights out with the gang.
Besides UberPOOL, it also provides a range of ride types through different price points.
Below is shown a quick rundown of the rides you will find in most major cities:
Uber X: This is the standard Uber offering. There can be a 4 door vehicle that is 15 years old or newer.
Uber XL: This is the general large format Uber ride. There may be a 4 door vehicle with 7 factory-installed seats.
Uber Select: This is an upgrade from Uber X. There may be a car model 2009 or newer with a vinyl or leather interior. Drivers with a 4.5-star rating or higher that have at least 50 completed trips qualify only.
Uber Black/Black SUV: This service offers a city vehicle that is 5 years or younger with an expert certified/licensed driver.
Uber Comfort: The latest Uber offer is any car from any of the above categories that comprise of extra legroom that can only be driven by drivers with 4.85 or higher star rating and should also have completed at least 250-lifetime trips.
If you or any of the members of your party need it, Uber’s on-demand services also offer a disabled access option known as UberASSIST. In a supported city, you will get a licensed driver with a vehicle large enough to accumulate a folding wheelchair or folding a scooter.
Uber is the god of the rideshare world, however, let’s take a good look at some other options.
2. Lyft

It offers transport in more than 600 U.S. cities including Los Angeles, San Francisco, and New York, and is also the second-largest ridesharing app by volume. Lyft is now available in 12 cities in Canada and is making its way to become international. Benchmarked as the bright pink mustaches, Lyft provides a range of vehicles to choose from that contain average-sized Lyft Plus cars and Lyft autos.
Like Uber, Lyft incorporates demand-based pricing during the busiest hours. Unlike Uber, Lyft limits its premiums at 400%. If that still seems too rich for you, it also offers a carpooling service called Lyft Line that lets you split fares between passengers if you choose a larger private car. You’ll be able to hail a self driving car from Lyft eventually.
There are a few rides that Lyft offers that are similar to Uber. Their Lyft Lux rides are quite similar to Uber Select. You’ll match with a newer car that has a leather or vinyl interior. Lux Black and Lux Black XL are the top class rides from Lyft in both Sedan and SUV sizes.
3. Curb

After an acquisition by Verifone Systems, Curb was shut down briefly. It is expanding at quite a rate and is another ridesharing underdog. The service hires cars around more than 45 U.S cities and the service has a network of 50,000.
Curb, fundamentally, works similarly to Uber and Lyft. Book a driver to commute to your final destination. In some cities for a $2 fee, the service lets you schedule pickups ahead of time. If you need a ride after a long night of the shinning New Year, then set a time and location and a Curb driver will await your arrival. It never charges surge pricing.
In NYC, Philadelphia, Las Vegas, Boston, and Miami it also offers a “Pair and Pay” feature that offers you to pay via the app after entering a matching code for your assigned Taxi Cab.
Ridesharing and carpooling

It is something perfect for you if you don’t mind hitching a ride with a few others. The app is co-founded by Stanford neuroscience Ph.D. Daniel Ramot and it uses a “logistics engine” to fill as many seats as possible in cars that are moving towards popular destinations. The routes are static, unlike Uber and Lyft. You need to specify the service where you want to go and you will be dropped off at a nearby location along the way. Via’s reservation system does not restrict you from one or two of your friends even if these static routes mean that you’ll often have to walk a block or two to reach your pick-up location.
The app also finds cars with mandatory seating and every extra member of your party pays half the price. It is available in Chicago, Los Angeles, Salt Lake City, UT; Cupertino, CA; Newton, MA; Arlington, VA; New York, West Sacramento, CA; Birmingham, AL; and Washington DC as well as over 20 more countries. It is available 24/7. In 2017, it announced its partnership with Curb to have the carpool feature with others in New York’s yellow cab.